
When you come to visit Calvary Chapel Escondido, you’ll find that we are just a group of normal, everyday people who gather together regularly to worship Jesus, study the Bible, and share life together. Our desire is that you feel welcome and that you are touched by God's love as you join us. We look forward to meeting you! 

When we Meet

We meet every Sunday Morning and Wednesday night for worship and Bible study. Sunday mornings are at the Orange Glen Campus and Wednesday nights are out the East Valley Campus. We would love to have you join us as we fellowship and seek the Lord together!

Sunday Mornings

10:00 am
Orange Glen High School
2200 Glenridge Road
Escondido, CA 92027

Wednesday Evenings

6:30 pm
East Valley Community Center
2245 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92027

What To Expect

Our Sunday morning gatherings are the highlight of our week! Our gatherings typically last 90 minutes and have 3 parts: Worship, Bible Teaching, & Fellowship

1. Worship

The first 20-30 minutes of our Sunday mornings are devoted to worshiping the Lord in song, prayer, and the reading of His Word. Our music is contemporary in style, although we do incorporate traditional hymns from time to time as well.

We have an open communion where all believers in Jesus Christ are invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper with us as we remember and proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. We typically share communion together as a church once a month, usually on the first Sunday of each month.

2. Bible Teaching

Following our time of worship, we study the Bible going verse by verse through the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation that we might be taught “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) and that we might be brought into spiritual maturity and equipped for our service to the Lord (Eph. 4:11-12). So you’ll want to bring your Bible! If you don’t have one, we have extras on the back table that you can borrow.

Children's Ministry
The children join their parents for singing in worship , and then after worship, we provide a Children’s Ministry – Calvary Kids – where children (Preschool-5th grade) can learn the Bible at an age-appropriate level. Our goal is to make Sunday school a part of your kid’s week that they look forward to, where they will learn and grow in their understanding of God and His Word and in their love for Him. 

3. Fellowship

The word “fellowship” simply means “sharing”, so we encourage everyone to stick around after service to meet other families and individuals to share with, encourage, and pray for, one another. We desire that our church will be a place where you can experience the love of Jesus together with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear?

Come as you are!! Most people dress casual, so if you want to come in shorts and flip flops, feel free! We honestly don’t care what you wear since God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

What will I be expected to do?

We just want you to be yourself, and feel free to come without any obligations. Just come and enjoy the service with an open heart to be touched by the love of God. 

What is the Vision & Mission of the church?

Basically, our mission is to love God, love others, and make disciples of Jesus Christ from Escondido to the nations (Matt. 28:18-20). For a more in-depth look, click on the button below. 

Get Involved

If you want to grow in your faith and get more connected to the church here, then go to our "Next Steps" page and see how to get plugged in. We would love for you to be part of our church family. 

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.