Benevolence Request Form

Our Benevolence Ministry is intended as temporary help to get members of the church here at Calvary Chapel Escondido over the “hump” of a financial crisis so that they do not go without basic life necessities as we are able. Our policy is that we never give money, but can only assist with food, shelter, and transportation. In order for us to determine if we can help with your financial needs, you must provide any backup documentation you can provide to support the requested assistance (i.e., lease agreement, utility bill, proof of income, list of monthly expenses, etc.) along with personal identification. No assistance will be granted if we cannot verify the information you are providing. The Benevolence Ministry will not provide help to anyone who, in its estimation, will have negative or irresponsible behavior reinforced by financial help. Those requesting help must be willing to give the Benevolence Ministry permission to follow up on any of the information provided to us. The Benevolence Ministry will only be able to assist you once every 12 months. No exceptions. Any requests will be followed up with an in-person interview to review the application and receive backup documentation. If you are part of our church family and need assistance, please fill out the form completely below to get the process started.

Family Information

Employment Information

Spiritual Information

Health Information

Personal Assistance

If you are requesting a bill payment, please supply the following information:
By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have truthfully answered all questions on this form.